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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Corneilius Christopher

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 25, 2010

Photoshoots and more...

Too sunny for my planned outdoor pictures! (boo)

This would have been great, but CC looks crazy! The girls were swimming all day and have pool eyes. Oh well, they are so darn cute!
Think he is more Liah or more Maia?
A better look:

Post doc trip to Sonic. Don't worry he rode buckled in, I had to steal and smooch him while we waited!


First Days Home

CC had a warm welcome from his big sisters and Gaga. They decorated the house and were beyond excited to have him home!
Big sister Stella was pretty pumped!

Family of FIVE!!!
Gaga and her babies!
We spent a good deal of time holding CC. We didn't get to hold him much in the NICU!
We have also been hoarding him. After 11 days of wanting him home, we are not being very good with sharing! Forgive us!

He is perfect cherry-on-top of this completed family! :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 15, 2010

11 days after entering the world, CC entered the craziness which is our home! Yeah!
We were so relieved to have answers and be some of the lucky ones that spent a short time in the NICU. Being there really put things into perspective. At one point CC shared quarters with 4 babies, that combined, weighed less than he did! It is a place of sadness, hope and miracles.

CC has a gland issue. We do daily hormone replacement to counteract the negative effects. He will grow and thrive and thanks to modern medicine, have no issues. Fun fact- JFK had a similar issue (watch out White House!)
You may also notice extra accessories on the boy. He has some minor hip and foot injuries. This is what happens when you combine a 9lb+ baby, a 5'2" Mom and very strange placement. He will have a harness to correct his hips for another week or so and a few more weeks of foot casting. I feel so bad I had my guy cramped up under a rib too long. Good thing he came early.
Yet another fun fact- CC's hip issues are also times associated with athletes because it can lead to greater speed. Crazy huh?! (Liah has it too) So basically, pre- White House, watch out NFL! :)
I love the picture below. Chris is an amazing father. Through everything he was my rock, I tend to be the mess. I have a deeper respect and love for him.
Really, we are blessed to have such a beautiful and healthy baby to complete our family. I have a new outlook on things after our adventures here. The journey was not easy, and some details I care to forget. I appreciate the constant support from our families. Corneilius, you have proved to challenge both in womb and out, may your teenage years run much smoother!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

While we waited for the boy....

We celebrated Liah's 5th birthday. Oh my gosh, our baby is 5 and headed to Kindergarten (sniffsniff)!
She got LOTS of school clothes!

She wanted a FANCY Nancy party. We had to hold off on a big party. We just had grandparents and aunties! It was still GREAT!
She is getting to be such a young lady. She has a BIG personality. She is unbelievably smart! She can out-talk me! :)

She really is beautiful (and that is not just because I am MOM!)!
Gaga and Gapa STILL got a bounce house... for 2!
Part of her present was a shopping spree!

We spent lots of time at the hospital enjoying Corneilius!
We had to blow off a little steam. At times that place can make you CRAZY!!
The girls were so proud to be big sisters. They just wanted little brother home!
We ALL did!

There are our 3 loves!
lil bro CC, mid sis Mai and big sis LJ! ♥

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 4, 2010

Corneilius Christopher joined the family at 5:50pm. He came in at 9lbs. 3.4 ounces and 20 inches long at 37 weeks!

He is beautiful.

Upon arrival he had some trouble breathing, which actually turned out to be nothing. He was sent to the special care nursery. Not how I planned it! :(
While correcting his own breathing they noticed he had low blood sugar.
This lead to a prolonged stay in the nursery for Mr. CC! It was rough to not have my new little nugget in my arms or bed-side!
He ended up having an IV of D10 (sugar basically) in order to maintain his glucose levels. They (inadequately- that's another story) ran many tests trying to figure what was going on?!
All the while we spent many hours in the nursery snuggling our newest bundle of perfect (thank you Gaga and Aunt Manda for watching all our girls!)
After being discharged myself, CC spent 2 more days in the special care nursery.....
and was finally transferred to Desert's NICU 3, at one week old, to get REAL answers!
To be continued!!

End of May!

Well, as I grew larger and larger, doctors started to wonder if CC could wait til his due date to arrive! They sent me for an amnio on May 28th and scheduled the csection for that night. It was a huge surprise. We thought we had weeks to wait! We were all geared up for the hospital and once we got there we found out CC's lungs needed another week to cook! I was pretty upset! However, it gave us an extra week to enjoy life as a family of 4! The week seemed to drag by as we waited for CC's newest date of June 4!