I absolutely adore my family. My hubby is the most supportive, best friend, still make my heart flutter, love of my life. My girls are sweet little divas who share their love and fun without a care. Liah is really turning into a little princess. She is big into fashion, painted nails and photo-options. Now, don't get me wrong, she recently came home with a scraped-up swollen leg from jumping around the bleachers. Mind you, not a tear was shed!
She requires weekly pedicures with toe art!
This weekend she also required Mom to dress alike! She picked out my attire, head-to-toe! We were the bobsy twins.... quite formal for our Wal*Mart trip!
Maia also is coming into her own. She is starting to talk and boy does she speak her mind! She is Liah's mini-me. She likes to get into trouble. Here she is helping "fold" laundry. Yep, those are my CLEAN panties on her head!
Thank God for little girls and dress-ups.... of any sort!
16 years ago
My daughter isn't the only one! Ashland loves to put clean underwear around her neck too!
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