The scene of the crime (one of many!): This is what Liah does when you don't jump at her demand! She takes matters into her own hands! She can work the DVD player and was not satisfied with the current showing. After a failed attempt to boss us to promptly change the DVD to one that suited her fancy... she went about things the Liah way! (We keep the DVDs out of reach because she becomes an obsessive compulsive DVD exchanger!) Apparently, nothing is out of reach from this child!
Things were looking dim.... then Gaga started the green light/ red light system with her (This is probably the seventh behavior chart "Chris Jr." has tried)! We are seeing success so far! She had all greens Monday and Tuesday! Here she is modeling her Einstein undies she picked from her Super-Duper-Surprise bag! Yippee, Hooray! Liah is having a GREEN day! We will post the progress! :)
16 years ago
is her shirt tucked into the underoos?!?!?!?!?
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