10 months ago Maia Lee was born! She was 8 lbs. 6 oz., 20 inches and a month early! We were surprised with her March arrival, fully thinking we had another 3+ weeks to wait for her April 12 c-section. We had a nice "vacation" at the hospital. The night chef (yes chef... this is AZ!?) was awesome, Chris had his own bed and Maia was a fabulous baby!
The only missing piece was Big Sister Liah who was home with Gaga! Naturally, her FIRST ever ear infection and time on meds was when I went into the hospital for "an overnight procedure!" (Little did we know... the procedure ended up being birth!) Liah got better and enjoyed her new Baby sister!
Today, the Baby is 10 months old! She is way too close to one! This is her "SO BIG" picture! She is far from our tiny little snuggle bunny. She is a crawling, talking and eating machine! She is working on walking. She can take up to 5 steps independently! She pulls herself up on furniture and can walk with ease along it, while holding hands and behind her push carts! She is amazing! She says Mama, Dada, Ga, No and we swear she says Liah! She spends a lot of time in her sister's stuff! She is working on solids with her newly showing 8 teeth! Her favorites are fruit puffs! She now weighs in at 19 1/2 pounds and is 29+ inches long! Time flies.... yet at the same time it seems like she has been in the Gteam forever. Our sweet little Mai Mai Bean Pie!
16 years ago
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