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Sunday, September 14, 2008

A call to 911

This is the sight of my home yesterday. The police were called via 911. By whom you ask? Well, by my once laid back and easy going child Maia! Why, you ask? Well, because Maia climbs like a monkey, talks on the phone like a 12 yr. old and maneuvers buttons like a pro-texter! Also, because Mom and Dad were outside looking at our wind blown tree and watering the lawn.

While we were outside for 5 seconds Maia managed to climb and get the phone, turn it on and carefully dial 911 in succession! I checked the caller id (for reasons still unknown, I just did) when we came in and I saw "Pinal County Government" had just called. I raced to listen to the message stating a 911 call had been made from my home. They suspected it was a child from the "ello" the young voice spoke to the dispatcher. I was so embarrassed. I called back and I explained that indeed it was my 18 month old and that there was nothing wrong. She was very nice and explained they had already sent the sheriff. They would call and let them know it wasn't an emergency, but routine requires them to still come! I made Chris go down and wait! :) However, he greets the officer (who was more than kind and understandable, same incident happened to him!) and has to bring him in! He calls up to let me know I need to come down with the children. (I have to race and put the camera down and put some pants on!) I drag my jammie clad girls down to meet the officer. He said he saw everything was fine! He left! Did I mention my home was in less than perfect condition. We were in the process of laundry and cleaning, readying ourselves for breaks' renovations! Ahhh I am mortified! (Please don't ask if we got fined. I am sure they will be mailing it to us. I would rather not think about it!) :) Thanks Maia, you never fail to make us laugh (way after the fact)!


Varney Family said...

You've gotta love little girls! Hopefully they'll just let it go as a first time offense ;) That's fun about the SRO at your school... he is my cousin but he knows me as Huso instead of Varney.